Aug. 29, 2023

Discover How the Language You’re Using Impacts the Types of Clients You’re Attracting

Discover How the Language You’re Using Impacts the Types of Clients You’re Attracting

Ever wonder how the words you choose impact the clients you attract?

In this episode, I’m sharing practical examples of how your language plays a huge role in the type of people you attract.


  • Practical examples of the marketing language we use impact who we attract into our business.
  • How what we sell through our language needs to align with how our experience really is, or we run the risk of our clients not being the best fit for our work. 
  • Two key things we need to write killer copy that moves our audience from cold to sold way faster. 

If this episode inspires you somehow, leave us a review on Apple Podcasts and let us know your biggest takeaway– whether it’s created those aha moments or given you food for thought on achieving greater success.

And while you’re here, follow us on Instagram @creativelyowned for more daily inspiration on effortlessly attracting the most aligned clients without spending hours marketing your business or chasing clients. Also, make sure to tag me in your stories @creativelyowned.

Selling the Invisible:
Exactly how to articulate the value of your cosmic genius even if your message transcends the typical “10k months” & “Make 6-figures” types of promises.

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To find out how to own your unique edge
, amplify who you truly are (& get paid for it), take your business to cosmic proportions, and have fun doing it, grab it here!!


INTRO: After generating over a million dollars in sales and selling one of her businesses with a single email, your host Catherine Thompson takes an unconventional approach to marketing and sales. So if you're ready to tap into a more powerful way to be seen her and a sought after entrepreneur in your industry without having to spend endless hours marketing your business and chasing clients, you're in the right place. Be the sought after entrepreneur podcast is here to help you ditch the cookie cutter. One size fits all approach to marketing and use your unique energy to effortlessly attract the most aligned clients. When you do this, you can spend less. Time marketing your business and more time doing your soul work and enjoying the richness of your life. Welcome to Be the Sought After Entrepreneur podcast, and here's your host, Kathryn Thompson.

Kathyrn Thompson: Hey. Hey, super stoked that you're tuning into this week's episode. I cannot wait to dive [00:01:00] today's topic because I'm elaborating on my selling the Invisible Training, and I'm elaborating on it really specifically around how to attune. To your audience, but how to attune to them in a way that you can use words that will vibrationally attract the right people into your world.

And if you've been in my world for a while, you know, that traditional marketing speaks to very specific levels of consciousness, right? Traditional marketing tends to speak to people that want to fill the void or feel like something's missing in their life, right, whether that is, you know, a relationship, whether that's clients, whether that's more money, whether that's health, right, maybe they need to lose weight, that they feel like they're missing something in their life that is preventing them from attracting the right partner into their world.

They're constantly seeking something outside of themselves to fill the void or fix the problem. Now, there's [00:02:00] nothing wrong with that. I'm not here to bash traditional marketing. But it has been designed to really speak to that particular Mindset or energetic level, level of consciousness. And as the world evolves and as we evolve and as we become more evolved, things have to evolve as well.

Like in any industry, right? With any innovation in any industry, we've got to evolve with the industry that we're in. And to me, marketing, And how we market has to shift and change because our audiences are different than they were back in the 1960s, 70s, 80s, 90s. And if you read a marketing textbook and you go back and listen to anybody teach marketing, it's all the same, right?

There's nothing really revolutionary about it. Uh, I know because I've studied marketing. I studied marketing back in the 90s and the early 2000s. And what I learned in the nineties and the early two thousands is pretty much the [00:03:00] same as what's being taught today, other than the fact that technology has changed.

So the way in which we market right on social media and different things like that has changed. The mediums in which we communicate has changed, but the way in which we communicate and the way in which we've been taught to market and sell has not changed in my opinion. And I believe that it has to.

Which is why I know a lot of people that come into my world go, I feel like I'm not attracting the right people or I'm not attracting people that are in alignment with me, my beliefs, my values, or are sort of vibrating at that same level. And I'm sharing this with you because A week ago, I did a training inside of one of my mastermind sister's virtual events on how to write killer copy and one of the things that I really honed in on on that presentation was really giving practical examples of what this looks like When you're speaking to the [00:04:00] four levels, in my opinion, of consumers or levels of consciousness.

Now, this will change over time because again, as we evolve, as we grow, these things change. What I realize is, is that in my free training, Selling the Invisible, I talk about the big picture and I share these levels. And a big part of the work I do with my clients inside of Spellbound is really identifying the level of consciousness that their clients are at and the people they want to attract and helping them create strategies and using words and language that will really connect with those people.

And I realized that in the training, I didn't really give practical examples and while I did that at the virtual event, it sparked something within me because I had people reaching out to me after saying this was so powerful. I so see now in my language where I'm speaking to clients that I'm not really wanting to attract.

And not because clients are good or bad or somebody in one level is better than somebody in [00:05:00] another. This is something that I really preface in all the work that I do. This is Isn't about making anybody feel right or wrong, good or bad. It's just about who are you wanting to connect with? And there are coaches and consultants and businesses that are going to be connecting with every one of these different levels.

The goal is for you to choose and you to choose what your zone of genius is, and you to choose how you're packaging and positioning that, and ultimately who that's going to best serve, which is one of the biggest lessons I needed to learn in the early days, right? It's like, Who can I best serve on this journey?

Um, and how can I best serve them? And therefore, everything that I do has to match that in order for me to really attract high resonance clients. Again, not from a good or bad perspective. but just from who I can ultimately support the best. So I want to take this opportunity to elaborate and give you some really [00:06:00] practical examples and language that speaks to each level so that if you are, let's just say speaking to somebody that is wanting to fill the void.

You'll know what words and language and strategies will work for this particular audience if you want to attune to them on that level. Similarly, if you're wanting to attract somebody who is more like logical and intellectual and is looking for an ROI in everything that they do. Specifically, I use the dating analogy, right?

Like, They have a checklist of the guy they want to marry, or they have a checklist of the human that they want to get into a relationship with, and that person has to meet all of those boxes or tick all of those boxes before they even entertain the chemistry aspect of it, right? So like, okay, he or she or they, uh, fit the box.

Check, check, check, check. Now I'm going to spend some time and just see [00:07:00] if our beliefs and our values and we of chemistry and all that sort of lines up. I'm going to be sharing with you the practical things that will work and won't work for these various audiences. Because if you want to write killer copy and content that not only sparks comments and engagement and like and all of the things, But actually creates inquiry in your business and has people reaching out to you and wanting to work with you.

There are two really key critical things I believe need to happen. And the first one is, is you need that potent message, right? And I'm not going to dive into on this episode what that looks like because there are other episodes I've done that. The one key element of this episode I want to focus on is how to attune to the level of consciousness or the type of human you're wanting to attract, how to really speak to them in a way that's going to [00:08:00] move them down that customer mind journey.

And that brings me to the second piece. You have to understand the customer mind journey, right? If you want to write really great copy that converts, you have to understand your customer's buying journey. What does that look like? And for every business, it's different. It doesn't all mean that you show up on social and post every day and that's the journey that you take people on.

Some people it's speaking from stage, some people it's a brick and mortar, some people it's posting on social but inviting people to join an email list, some people it's inviting people to come to a free training. There's many many ways to create a journey with your audience and your customer base and it doesn't all have to look the same but you've got to understand what your journey is that you want to take them on.

And you have to understand that from the perspective of your audience, which is why I want to dive in to and really unpack what attuning to that audience [00:09:00] looks like. And I've shared on past episodes the analogy that I use because I believe there's four levels of customers. Now this could evolve and likely will evolve over time.

But the first one is, is I can't live without you. You're my missing half. I go to the dating analogy because that's what I love and I think it's really practical and easy to sort of like, see what that looks like. It's the person that says, I can't live without you. You're my missing half. I need somebody that will make me whole.

Right? That's filling the void in a lot of ways. And if you've watched my Selling the Invisible training, this isn't going to be new to you. But what's going to be new to you is the language and the breakdown that I'm going to share with you here shortly. The next one is, I will do whatever it takes to make this work.

This is your traditional hustler, right? This is a lot of people that are working in the 9 to 5, that will sacrifice and put in effort and self sacrifice to make things work, even though [00:10:00] it's not working or it's not what they really want to be doing or they don't even really want to be in that relationship, but they've made a commitment to that person, and therefore, they...

are going to stick it out because they made the commitment even though it's not working anymore. And the third one is they check all the boxes, the example that I just gave, right? They check all the boxes and now I'll entertain whether or not we're a good fit. And then you've got when you know you know, it's just that gut pull, that intuitive hit that's like, that's my next mentor, that's the person I want to spend the rest of my life with.

This is the, you know, health program I want to take because I know this is the thing that's going to help me. move where I want to go. These are very, very intuitive human beings, but they're also highly self aware and they trust themselves over anything else, right? They're not really following the obligation or the shoulds.

And one of [00:11:00] the biggest questions I get asked is, is can I fluctuate between these levels? And the answer is yes, which is why I always say it's not about good or bad, like, oh, people in level one, like. Oh, they're bad people. They vibrate at a low vibration. Like, no, no, no, no, no. Because you can be there at different points in your life and you can be very intuitive and trusting, but have cut parts of yourself off and therefore are no longer really living in that.

Um, and it also depends on like. social conditioning and the environment that you're in and all of those sorts of things that really help you figure out and help you land where you land within that. And so you can move up and down that. Scale, let's just call it. And if you watch the training, I do have a scale in there, which is David Hawkins scale, frequency scale that I've plotted these into.

So the first level or the first human is that like filling the void or they [00:12:00] feel like something's missing in their life. And then if they just had that relationship, they just were the weight they were at, like this, if they had achieved this weight, then things would be, they'd be happy, or they'd feel content, or if they just had the business that was running the way they wanted to, right?

It's, it's constantly looking at what I don't have, and I need to fill that with something, and a lot of society is there, and a lot of traditional marketing speaks to that. Right? So, again, this type of marketing works, and if your audience is there, again, it's not a bad thing. You just have to have language and content and marketing that really speaks to them.

And so, here are words that speak to this level of consciousness, this type of audience. I'm sharing the missing piece to why you're struggling to attract clients. I'm sure you can take a look at the marketing [00:13:00] world and the marketing space and the business space and you can pick out messages like this.

I'm sure you've seen messages like this. I'm going to share the secret ingredient to finally getting the relationship you want. I'm going to share this missing element to why you're not. Losing the weight, right? That is all filling the void language. Fixing, missing. Um, when you follow these steps, you'll fix your dating relationship problems.

That is filling the void, right? There's something that needs to be fixed. There's something that needs to be healed. There's something that needs to be changed. And it's something outside of you. When you just have that thing, everything will be better. If you've hit rock bottom and don't know any way out, this will help you, right?

Speaking to that person that's at their lowest in that moment, who doesn't really have maybe the awareness, like somebody who's like, when you know, you know, and is really leaning [00:14:00] into their trust. They don't have the awareness so they're looking at you as the guru, as the mentor, as the person that's going to show them the way.

And they're going to hang off of every word you say in a lot of ways, right? But they're also at that rock bottom so they're, they feel hopeless, like there's nowhere else to turn and I'm willing to try kind of anything at this point and it doesn't really matter. It's kind of like who pops up into my orbit.

first or better or more flashy or whatever. I'm just going to grasp at it, right? There's no, I'm going to feel this out for a moment. I'm just going to sit with this for a moment. Everything feels rushed. Everything feels sort of last minute. I just need to do this now because it's missing and it's really uncomfortable for me to sit in this feeling.

Like something's missing, like I need to fix something, I need to be doing something all the time. So, those are three prime examples of language and types of language that will [00:15:00] really speak to the void. Now, this language will not resonate. with somebody who is highly intuitive and self aware. Because somebody who's highly intuitive and self aware or vibrating at that level is going, I don't need anything to fix me.

That actually feels sort of condescending in a way, right? Like, how do you know what I need to fix? How do you know that you have the missing piece? That's pretty arrogant of you to think that you have that. Right? Again, not from a good or bad place, but somebody who's in that full trust in themselves knows I'm looking for a mentor, more like a thought partner and co creator, somebody that's going to help me navigate this, or I'm going to hire an expert who has a zone of genius I don't have.

Right? And so I know that in order for me to stay in my zone of genius, I need to hire somebody who's in theirs. And that is a difference, right? I'm not hiring somebody to fill the void in my life. I'm [00:16:00] hiring somebody to make my life, my business, whatever, better or greater, but I'm already good. Um, strategies that work really well for this would be deadlines, last chance, false scarcity, false urgency, FOMO, you're missing out, right?

Again, missing. If you think about people in this energetic level, They, they feel like they're missing out on something or something is missing. And so when you can use strategies that play into that, that will naturally have them pressing the buy now button or AKA throwing their credit card at you, which is something I'm like, I'd rather somebody not throw their credit card at me and buy from a really balanced state, um, than buying from a place of, uh, weakness.

The next level is that hard work and sacrifice is key, and I have a client right now who's [00:17:00] speaking to this level of consciousness, or, or connecting with this level of consciousness, and I'm, and she's wanting to kind of transition out of that, and the language that we use This plays a huge factor in this, and I'm seeing this firsthand in Spellbound with one of my clients and how we're making this transition, and also the impact of it from people in her audience and how triggering it can be when you're vibrating at a different energy.

When you're in that, like, maybe level three or level four, and you're trying to communicate with a level two, this hard work sacrifice. It's possible. There are people that are, that's possible to transition out of that level, but you will trigger a lot more people within it. And so there's two things that either you, you're able to just handle that and want to handle that.

And that's totally kosher, or you're like, I just don't want to put up with this. So I'm going to transition out of this level. [00:18:00] Um, That is something also to recognize, right? If you're getting a lot of people that are pissed off or angry or whatnot, because your messaging is speaking to somebody at that level, because you're wanting to help transition them out of that, that hard work, that sacrifice, right?

That hustle, hustle, hustle, work until you're 60, retire, and then live your life. Then You may get a lot of, I would say, like, you can get a lot of hate, um, but it's a matter of whether or not you want to navigate that. So, words that speak to hustlers, or to this particular level, is, I'll show you the exact steps me and my clients have taken to attract clients every single month.

So, Using the words like exact, my exact steps, follow exactly how I've done it. This, the hustler will do whatever it takes to be successful, to have a successful marriage or relationship, to [00:19:00] be an outstanding citizen of society, right? They will follow in the steps of what's being told to them. Again, it's that traditional 9 to 5, right?

Where it's like, do as I say. Follow the rules. Don't break protocol. Do as I say, and life will be grand. Right? And there's a lot of like, good girl or good boy energy here. Good girl, mainly, right? Of like, I just want to appease. So I'm going to follow and I'm going to be the model student. I was at a conference, um, years ago now, and I had this visceral response in my body when I heard this.

And again, not from a judgmental place, but this is just goes to show you where people can be at. And it's okay. We can accept people for where they're at. We don't have to agree with it. Doesn't mean we have to outright judge it, but I had a visual response in my body because I was sitting at an entrepreneurial convention and I was sitting there and somebody had asked this panel of [00:20:00] really successful business owners, what made them successful?

And one of the panelists said. If you want to be successful in this online arena with other coaches and consultants and digital course creators, you've got to be a straight A student in the programs that you're in. And I don't even remember, but I viscerally got up, put my backpack on and walked out. And then when I got out of the room, I was like, what just happened?

And it was because I was negatively responding to that. comment of what it takes to be successful, but that is literally what you would say to a hustler. When you're wanting hustlers to sort of buy in to what it is you're selling and what you're doing, because it's like, be the straight A student, follow the rules, ask the questions, get noticed in the groups, and therefore you'll be successful.

And what viscerally turned me off was, was like, I don't want to be a straight A student. That's not why I'm here, right? I'm an [00:21:00] entrepreneur. I want to innovate. I want to be creative. I want to be in my creative zone of genius. That's where I want to live. I don't want to follow the cookie cutter. the straight A modeling.

I don't want to do that, right? But the rumor erupted with collapse and that's amazing and awesome and all those sorts of things, right? Um, so people resonate with that, and I didn't. I was like, I actually would rather carve my own path than follow in somebody else's footsteps. I'm sharing this with you because this message is prevalent in the online space.

My proven process has helped hundreds of entrepreneurs take their business to six figures and beyond. If you want to ditch the nine to five grind and find the experience of freedom to do what you want, when you want, this is for you. Um, that really speaks to people in that like upper tier of that level who are wanting out of the nine to five grind, who might not want to hustle anymore.

Um, But here are the steps you can take if you want to take that so [00:22:00] you can probably look around and this is something I would invite you to do is look around in the industry. And again, from a nonjudgmental place, only hard work pays off and that you've got to hustle and grind and sacrifice in order to reach the success that you want.

And if you follow Gary Vee, he's a prime example of this type of messaging. Because he talks a lot about his story about starting at a young age and working in his parents wine shop and like showing up consistently and doing this work before he ever became famous, let's just say. And he hustled and grind and grind and grind until he was there.

And that is his core messaging and in the message that he puts out. What I love about Gary Vee's message though, beyond the hustling and the grinding your face off, because I don't think you need to grind your face off. I think what I love about his message is that there isn't this overnight success.

And so there's a lot of perspective there. It's like, I've worked my ass off to get to where I am. Don't [00:23:00] think this just happened overnight. Like I was posting this same type of content. five or six years ago before it went viral. Like, so there is this perspective there within this particular language and strategy that I like because it gives that perspective.

I also like the fact that, you know, we do need to put effort into what we do. It's just how we focus that energy and effort, right? I think just grinding and hustling and forcing to me is not the way. The one thing that I don't necessarily like about this is that there is this, an exact process that this illusion that I'm going to teach you some exact steps in order to be successful.

And in reality, we know that that isn't the case. We know that there isn't a one size fits all. We know from proof out there that What works for one business might not work for somebody else, and that's the [00:24:00] misleading notion of this style of messaging, in my opinion. However, it really does work for the hustler, which is why you will see people that are going to be the straight A student and are just keen to be that type A person innovator,

You won't necessarily succeed in these types of programs, and maybe you haven't. And maybe you're looking around going, Why the hell am I not seeing the results? Or why can't I just conform to what this person's telling me? Is because you're not at that level. It's not because you're bad, or you're not trying hard enough.

Or what all the other things are yourself sabotaging, or you've got limiting beliefs. It's none of that BS. It's just that you don't fit within that parameter. And when you can step back and look at it from that perspective, it's so freeing because you'll look at the investments you've made, or you'll look at the things you've done and you'll go, Huh, [00:25:00] I can see why that either didn't work or it worked phenomenally.

But you have this beautiful perspective now, which is why I wanted to give these practical tips and tricks this way and show you this, but also help you look at it from from you being a consumer. Because if you're listening to this podcast, my guess is, is that you've hired mentors or Experts or maybe even team members to work within your business, whether it be a social media manager or a copywriter, and maybe it didn't work out.

And you were like, why didn't this work out? Well, maybe they were writing from a perspective of. Somebody that wasn't in tune with your audience or maybe vibrationally They're not at the same level as you in some capacity and it was misaligned so This doesn't just help you tune in and write really amazing copy and content for your people it also helps you zoom out and look at it from a perspective of like what type of consumer am I [00:26:00] and what Is my maybe next investment why certain programs and courses maybe didn't work for me, because I'm not this type of person, which is why I had a visceral response to you need to be a straight A student, the rebel in me, the creator was like, I don't think that this is the point.

This is the point isn't for me to follow in your footsteps. And that is when it dawned on me that I likely, well, I could create results in these containers. They weren't going to help me. amplify and expand who I needed to be because it didn't allow me to be creative. I had to follow the rules. And I have a whole other episode on this coming up, but it just didn't help me amplify and expand my message, which if we go back to the beginning of this episode, which is like how to write killer copy that converts your messaging, that [00:27:00] potent message has.

to be a key critical factor of that, and you can't have potent messaging if you're trying to fit yourself into these cookie cutter boxes. It just won't land with your people, because it's not really... you. So the next level is like, I say they're the logical thinkers, right? They're the people that are like really stuck in that logical brain of ticking the boxes, the checklist, right?

Of like, you know, this is what the human I want to marry or be in a relationship with has to have. These are the traits, the job. Where they have to live, whatever it might be, what they're earning, I don't know, this checklist. They're seeking an ROI first before ever even contemplating chemistry or right fit, right?

So they believe the right fit starts with, what's the ROI that I'm going to achieve? So saying things like, most of my clients have experienced a 4X return on their [00:28:00] investment. These people want to know. What that return will look like. So how quickly will I get into a relationship or find my soulmate?

How quickly will I lose the weight? That's the thing. That's how their brain works, right? What's the benefit to me? This is what I want. And this is what I'm looking for. How well does your program. Your product, your service match what I want. This is what you'll get and the type of support you'll receive when you enroll.

They want to see a checklist, right? Their brain works in checklists. It works in lists in a lot of ways. When Jen came to me, she was earning 8k per month. And we made a few small tweaks and now she's making 30k consistent months. They want to see what's possible and what, what that path to possibility looks like.

So a lot of intuitive buyers, which is the next level, care less about the, the nitty gritty details and they care more about how they feel. [00:29:00] What that feeling is, right? So it's very, very different. Which brings me to the next level. The feelers, the hyper aware, right? They can sense who their next mentor is or their coach is.

They can sense who their partner is. They feel a pull their drawn to people. They don't need all the nitty gritty. details, as I say, which is why Spellbound Forever didn't have a sales page. Because most of my people that come into my world are the feelers. They're hyper aware. They're self led in a lot of ways.

Not saying the other ones aren't self led, but they really tune into who they are. There's a lot of deep self trust. And when you come into my world, You need to trust yourself wholeheartedly because I don't have the cookie cutter approach for you. I'm not handing you a blueprint that's like, follow this and you'll be successful, which requires a lot of freaking self trust.

So I need to [00:30:00] speak and market to those people. I can't speak and market in the way of the level one and two, because I'll attract misaligned clients. I'll attract clients that don't get the best support and not because I'm not good at what I do. It's just the way that I support. I've always said I'm not here to tell you what to do and how to do it.

I'm here to support and guide you in creating something that's super highly aligned with you. And I'm here to support you in talking how you talk. And I'm here to support you in leaning into the nudge and the whisper that your intuition is saying, even if it doesn't freaking make sense. I'm here to help you bring new and novel and innovative ideas to the world.

I'm not here to help you contribute to the echo chamber. I'm not here to help you. commit to the sea of sameness that we see on social media. I'm here to help you lean into that creativity, authenticity, innovation, and really stand integrity to who you are, which are huge core values of mine. So I [00:31:00] have to coach and mentor in my containers and my experiences in that capacity, the same way I market to them.

Otherwise I'm going to have people that come into my world who aren't. going to be satisfied when they get into my world because they're going to go, well, you're not telling me what to do. What should I do? How should I do it? I can act as a thought partner. I can act as somebody who's, who's co creating in your business with you, but I'm not giving you a blueprint how to be successful because your success is going to look very different than my success.

So this is also the implication that we need to consider with the language and it can be so nuanced, right? At the end of this live virtual event that I had, that was one of the things that Florence Andrews, who hosted it, said to me. She was like, a lot of this is just so nuanced. And I said, but that's life, right?

There's so much nuance, but yet in a world of marketing and sales, we use a lot of grandiose [00:32:00] promises, right? I'm going to help you get to 10 K and help you get to a hundred K. I'm going to help you lose 50 pounds. I'm going to help you, you know, be way more productive, double, triple your productivity. And yet, the path in which we get there can look so different for everybody.

And the nuance within that looks so different, right? Which is why this is so important, in my opinion. And so when we want to speak to the intuitives, we don't want to say things like, I'm gonna show you the missing... piece, or I'm going to help you fix X problem, agitating pain points, um, using FOMO and false scarcity and all that.

They see through it. They feel it. They see through it. They don't care. Raising prices. I had someone recently say, you know, I've tried doing like the whole price raising thing and my audience didn't even flinch. And I said, because your audience is probably full of like highly self aware and intuitive.

And she looked [00:33:00] at me and she was like, what? And I'm like, yeah, cause we don't, we don't, we see through that. We don't care. We'll pay the thousand dollars or the 2, 000 more because we will pay when we're ready. It's not about paying to get in at this moment at this discount. It's about paying when we feel, keyword feel, when we feel ready, when it feels right, when you know, you know, and if that moment is right now.

If that moment is in 5 months from now, that's when we'll do it. We can't force the feeling. We can't force the movement. Which is why strategies like, post every single day on social media, show up live once a week, email your... community once a week or twice a week or every day feels so counterintuitive to how we function as intuitives, how we function as hyper aware, because we [00:34:00] know consistency is an illusion.

Nothing is consistent. If you look at your last week, last month, last year, You can probably pinpoint a shit ton of things that have changed. Changed in your life, changed in your relationships, changed in your business, changed in the world around you. Nature changes. Nature goes through seasonal changes all the time.

You don't have the same season where I live, right? We get snow, we have fall, we have spring. I mean, there are some places in the world that there's less change, but nature changes. It moves, it flows, right? Water levels rise, water levels go lower. Like, things change. Nothing stays the same. Consistency is an illusion.

And intuitives know that, right? So even promoting strategies to them and saying, I'm going to [00:35:00] teach you how to show up consistently online and have the same vibe and the same mojo day in and day out. Intuitive's like, I don't want that. I want to naturally be in my body and naturally show up in my business.

In a way that feels good. And I'll tell you what doesn't feel good. Having to force myself to show up when I have nothing to say. Having to force myself to create a social media post that's promoting my program for the fifth day in a row. When I, when I'm, you know, not really feeling inspired to sell my offer on social today.

And no, it's not about the fact you have a limiting belief, there's some block around it, or you just need to get over your visibility shit. No, it's just that we're not consistent. We're cyclical, rhythmic beings. And intuitives know that. We know there's the ebbs and flows. If you listen to last week's episode, there's ebbs and flows in life.

We know that. [00:36:00] And so these consistent strategies that you have to launch every six weeks, or you've got to follow this particular process that creates consistency is bogus in a lot of ways, and my way around that. is the marketing system I've put in place that operates without me having to show up daily, which I've talked about a lot on this podcast and on social media.

I've kind of broken my rhythm on social. I've posted twice over the last two days, which is completely out of character for me, but I had two hits of inspiration and I posted them. But over the last month I've posted once a week, which is this podcast that goes on social and my client attraction and people coming into my world and me attracting new clients has not changed.

And I'm running ads to my Selling the Invisible training, but I created that once when I was in the energy of it and it's running and it just runs there in the background, so to [00:37:00] speak, in a lot of ways. And that has allowed me to be consistent. In a, and conform maybe to that consistency, even though I'm not consistent in my energy in a lot of ways, right?

I lean in and I post out of inspiration. I don't batch. And that was one of the questions I got in that free training was, do you batch your content? I was like, not even remotely this it's Sunday afternoon. This podcast is going to go live on Tuesday. I don't batch. I don't plan out my content. I don't do any of it.

I let what comes to me, and I let and allow what comes through to come out, as long as it's in alignment with my zone of genius. And that's the whole messaging part of this, right, is to get really, really clear on what is my zone. And what do I want to do with that zone of genius? And then, and then everything that I create around that is consistent with my zone of [00:38:00] genius so that my messaging doesn't appear scattered because I'm still always talking about what really plays into my zone of genius.

Within what I'm doing, does that mean that I don't think I have other things to talk about, or I don't want to talk about other things? Yes, if you listened to last week's or the weeks before, you heard me share this creative thing that's brewing, whether it's a fictional book, or I don't know what it is, but we get to be multi dimensional and multi faceted as well.

So, if you want to connect with intuitives, and those are the people you want to call into your business, the ones that are hyper aware. We can't use traditional marketing. And I'm going to be really blunt in that. It will not resonate with them. They will see right through it. So FOMO, fear of missing out, these really rushed and ASAP deadlines that won't work with them.

They're so grounded and regulated in who they are, they're not [00:39:00] even phased by it. These, I'm going to raise the price in a week, won't phase them. I'm going to, spots are limited and if you don't apply now, you'll likely not get in. Not going to resonate with them. They won't move. They won't budge. It won't matter because they're only going to move when they feel ready.

If you feel the pull to join us inside the money mindset accelerator, click the link below, right? Using words like feel, if you feel the pull, if you feel ready, there's nothing like you've got to apply now, or you've got to apply before this date at midnight or the offer disappears. Like there's none of that.

When you're ready to dive into the program, we'd love to have you, right? It's an invitation. And there's something so grounding about that. Again, this takes a lot of self trust just to believe that this is possible. Because, and a lot of unlearning with marketing. Because so much of what we've been taught is people need a deadline.

They need some type of pressure in [00:40:00] order to buy. They need The hype and excitement of it, right? So share how many people are joining at once because they want to be part of this movement. They want to be part of this success, right? We've, we've been taught this. We've been taught that we have to use these strategies and tactics to be successful because that's what the majority of marketing is.

And that's what's being taught for decades and decades and decades. Again, something I learned back in the 90s, right? Which was being taught way before that in the 80s and the 70s as well, right? Again, this isn't revolutionary marketing tactics that are being taught. They've just been applied to new technology.

Another way is I'm not here to tell you what to do. I'm here to act as a thought partner. And that is really key if The experience that you're offering reflects that, right? So you can't say, I'm going to help you dish the cookie cutter one size fits all. And then when they get into your program or experience or [00:41:00] whatever, you're telling them what to do, right?

There's like, follow these steps and you'll be successful. Like your, your program and what you do also has to match the messaging. So that is the key piece of all of this. Um, intuitives. Like I said, want to dish the cookie out or they don't want to fit into the one size fits all. They want to be creative.

They want to innovate and they've got this multifaceted experience that they want to bring into some type of innovative offer and they need people who can support them in doing that and who can guide them in doing that. And also who can support them in unlearning maybe, or having that ego pop in that's like, this is never going to work.

Or I've never seen anybody do it. I feel like I need proof, right? Even as intuitives and as trusting as we are in our own self, we can often still get caught up in [00:42:00] thinking. That things have to be a different way. Like when we feel this deep contentment, maybe in our life, in our relationships, the conditioning of you've got to do more or you're not doing enough can pop in, right?

If that's something that has been prevalent in your life or that I've never seen anybody else do this. And so I feel like I need a point of reference or I need a framework to, to look at. And that is just conditioning in my opinion, because you don't, you don't need the framework. You don't need somebody else to emulate to you what's possible even though that's what we believe needs to happen.

That's actually not the case, right? That's why we have our intuition and that guidance and a lot of innovation that's happened in the world happened. Things that are like, really big, that we can remember, right, was like, was created from something that had never happened before. And so, that to me is just [00:43:00] a belief of like, I need to emulate, right, because that's what we've been conditioned to believe.

It's like, we just gotta follow this prescribed blueprint and life will be grand. And so, In saying that, we also have to have those containers, those experiences that allow intuitives to have these moments and momentary times where they're questioning their own intuition, um, and also questioning things.

and wondering whether or not the path they're on is going to work. And to have enough self trust in yourself as a leader and a coach to sit in that discomfort, because it isn't comfortable. It isn't comfortable when you're there guiding and you don't know where they're going either. Right? You don't have the path laid out for them either.

It's really predictable and really easy to control experiences when you've got a cookie cutter process, right? Follow these steps [00:44:00] and you'll be successful. And it's really easy to go, well, you didn't follow step four or you didn't follow it exactly how I did it. Therefore, that's why you weren't successful.

That's that's to me is easy, right? Because it's easy to then. deflect and say, Well, this didn't work because you didn't follow it exactly. Whereas when you're working with intuitives and people who are really self aware and wanting to innovate and create something new that has never been done before, none of us know where we're going, right?

So you've got to be able to have the trust, self trust within yourself as a leader and a mentor to sit within that discomfort of, of not knowing. It takes a lot of fricking faith. I had a client recently on a call to me say, This takes a lot of faith, a lot of faith in myself more than anything. And I was like, you know, I'm sitting there holding space going.

Yeah, it does. It takes a lot of trust and a lot of faith. It also takes a lot of trust and knowing and [00:45:00] inner stability within myself as the mentor. Because again, conditioning, especially if you have an open head center in human design, which 70% of us do part of that conditioning is. always having to have an answer and always having to know what to do.

And actually, being in our highest self is admitting, I actually don't know what the path looks like for you. I can't actually promise you if you do this, this will work out. Which is a very, very different energy than follow this and it'll work. Making a promise that if you just do these steps, you will reach 10k in 100k months.

Which is why those messages never resonated with me. Because I was like, you can't actually promise me that. Like, you actually can't. There's so many variables that can happen that don't... That could contribute to that [00:46:00] not happening, right? And that we actually don't know if things will work without trying.

So, it also takes a very grounded, special, like, you really have to be really grounded in your own stuff in intuitives. within their journey, whatever that looks like, whether that's relationships, whether that's weight loss, whether that's, you know, creating a product or a service from scratch and new innovation that's going to be put out there.

So I really hope that this is kind of shed a light more practically on. how to speak to the various levels and I invite you to reach out to me in my DMs if you are like, Hey Catherine, I'm, I want to connect with this level and this is, you know, some of the messaging that I've used where this is, you know, something that I'm saying, like, does [00:47:00] this resonate?

Obviously not going to review all of your content, but if you want to pop me a DM, I'd be happy to like Look at, you know, a sentence or two or call to action that you have and just to really make sure that, you know, your language and your messaging is speaking or completely not. Um, I'm happy to do that.

And I'd also love if you just shoot me a DM with any of your questions. I'm over there. I'm happy to answer those. And I really hope that this episode has grounded in even more, um, like I said, how to connect and communicate because to me that is, It's such a key piece of being able to write really killer copy that lands like a lightning bolt in the hearts of your people, is knowing who your people are and where they are on that consciousness scale and what will and really won't work for them in language, in words, but also in strategy, um, [00:48:00] and If you are attracting people that feel misaligned, this would be the first place that I would look, is like, how am I actually communicating to these people?

And why am I attracting people that feel like they're needing the void filled? Or I'm attracting people that want the blueprint, the exact blueprint, and I'm somebody who's like, I don't have that for you, or my program's not designed like that. And therefore, there's this sort of like mismatched relationship that happens.

Or you're getting on sales calls and you're realizing a bunch of people that are coming on sales calls, um, are Misaligned or maybe not the right fit for your program. Another example, um, I do a lot of copy reviewing and content reviewing, again, from this perspective inside of Spellbound, which makes Spellbound, in my opinion, something that's so invaluable, um, given the price point, given what's entailed in there.

But I have a client right now who's submitted her entire funnel to me, and as I'm [00:49:00] looking over it, and also looking at the type of people she's wanting to attract, I can see very quickly language that speaks to the hustler, and really what she's wanting to attract is more of that thinker and more of that intuitive sort of a combination of the two.

And one of the things that really jumped out at me was, if you want to blank, you need to do blank, right? We see that a lot in messaging, and that will very much speak to somebody who's looking at you to either tell them what to do and how to do it and who probably aren't necessarily maybe thinking for themselves and are looking again at the mentor or the guru or the boss or the CEO to tell them what to do versus You know the thinker who is like, I already know what I want.

Show me that you have what I got what I want. And or the intuitive who's like, I [00:50:00] know where I want to go and I know how I want to feel in that, and so I'm gonna look for somebody that helps me feel this certain way. Or I somebody that. That is an expert in their zone of genius and really walking talk in their zone of genius.

And I know that their zone of genius is not mine and I don't want to spend my time living in that. So, and learning that. So I'm going to hire somebody that can show me that again is very, very different. We're not here to tell them necessarily what to do, right? For both people, right? The thinkers who are like, I already know what I want.

Show me you got it, right? And then we'll see about chemistry and intuitives are like, I know what I want and sort of where I want to go. I kind of have this idea and it kind of dropped in, and this is the direction I want to go. I need someone to help me. You know, and navigate through that with me. Who's not going to tell me that there's a right or wrong way to do it.

So with that, I hope this episode has been fab for you. Come over, DM me. I'd love to hear from you. And with that, I hope you have a fab day. Cheers.

OUTRO: Thanks for listening. We'll see you right back here next time. You can also find us on social media at Creatively Owned and online at Until next time, keep showing up as your authentic self.