April 23, 2024

How to Attune to Your Voice to Show Up Authentically in Your Business

How to Attune to Your Voice to Show Up Authentically in Your Business

Find yourself asking “how can I find my authentic voice?” so I can create content that actually sounds like me…then you’ll want to listen to this episode because I’m answering this question for you.


  • Why just telling some to “be you” is easier said than done when someone is trying to find their authentic voice. 
  • What you need to do if you want to attune to your authentic voice and make sure it’s reflected in your marketing content. 
  • How your authentic expression is unveiled and it has less to do with trying to ‘find’ it and more to do with attuning to it.

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INTRO: After generating over a million dollars in sales and selling one of her businesses with a single email, your host, Kathryn Thompson, takes an unconventional approach to marketing and sales. So if you're ready to tap into a more powerful way to be seen, heard, and a sought after entrepreneur in your industry without having to spend endless hours marketing your business and chasing clients, you're in the right place. Be The Sought After Entrepreneur Podcast is here to help you ditch the cookie cutter, one size fits all approach to marketing and use your unique energy to effortlessly attract the most aligned clients. When you do this. You can spend less time marketing your business and more time doing your soul work and enjoying the richness of your life. Welcome to Be The Sought After Entrepreneur Podcast, and here's your host, Kathryn Thompson.

Kathryn Thompson: Hey, hey, super stoked that you're tuning in this week's episode. I cannot wait to dive in [00:01:00] today's topic because I want to answer a question that I was asked yesterday at an event that I attended, an in person local event with a bunch of female entrepreneurs who are local to where I live, from lawyers, doctors, wellness professionals, hairdressers, you name it, accountants.

women from all different types of walks and industry. And I had this really interesting question that was asked of me because I had the opportunity to not only speak once, but twice at this event. So I got to be part of a panel of other entrepreneurs, uh, talking about marketing to this amazing group of women.

room full of women. And I also got to speak at the VIP session as well in the evening portion of it. And I just really loved the question that I was asked, and that was how to find your voice, how to be authentic in your business, in the marketing that you're putting out there, in the brand message that you're putting out there.

And before I share my answer with you, because it's a bit of a loaded question in my opinion, and I didn't want those [00:02:00] women, and I don't want you to walk away with, You know, some tips and tricks and hacks for how to find your voice, because to me, there's a lot more layers to finding one's voice than just following, you know, a list of steps to do that.

And I want to unpack that with you here today, but I also want to share how freaking amazing it was to be in community and in person. For the first time in a really long time, I haven't attended an event like that in a very, very long time, let alone speak at one. Uh, it's been years actually, and I just forgot how amazing it was.

I was exhausted by the end of the day, you know, uh, talking and all that peopling for a full, full day. But I was exhausted in such a beautiful way because there were so many amazing conversations that were had. I met some really beautiful women there that are local to me. Like they have businesses, you know, that I can go, um, and be a part [00:03:00] of.

And it was just really lovely to do that. And so before I dive into my answer to that question. I want to remind you that there is community around you, whether that's online, obviously, but also locally. And I think sometimes when we get into this online world, if you are an online business owner, that it's easy to kind of work out of our house and forget that there is an outside world out there.

And that there's people around us that can support us in our business, that we can bounce ideas off of. And one of the things I often support my clients with because, um, We often think, Oh, I've got to post on social and that's the way that I'm going to, you know, make sales, or I've got to run Facebook ads and all of those things are really great, but there's nothing more powerful in my opinion than forming connection with other people and.

sharing what you do and them sharing what they do. And then just, you know, being able to sort of network in that way. And I know networking can get such a bad reputation because [00:04:00] it's like networking at small talk and all those sorts of things. And, oh man, I hate small talk. I, you know, I want to get deep with somebody.

I want to have these one to one conversations. But again, when you attend these types of events, like we, I sat at a table with two other amazing business owners locally here. And, We got into some really deep conversation, even though there was a room full of 75 people talking around us, you know, but, but we were able to sort of laser in and form some of those connections.

So it was just really beautiful to be in community. And so, um, You know, I highly, highly recommend looking around in your local area, or even if you have to, you know, jump on a plane or drive somewhere is to really set the intention if it feels aligned for you to attend an event, you know, once a year or twice a year or something like that, where you really get to fill your cup with other Take care.

Like I said, people that are in alignment with you that share your values and those sorts of things. So the question, like I said, that I was asked at the [00:05:00] VIP reception was like, how do you find your voice and how do you, you know, show up authentically in your business? And I know that it's really easy to answer that question of like, just be you, you know, just show up and be you.

And that's not really of service in my opinion, because there's so many layers to authenticity, especially when. How we are showing up and how maybe we have showed up in the past, we were maybe made to believe that it wasn't the right way, you know, um, you can think back to maybe when you were a child and you were told that you were too much or too bossy or too loud, uh, or hardcore or annoying or weird or quirky, whatever it might be, we're told these things, um, I've shared this before on the podcast, but I was told that I was a terrible writer.

I share it often, this story, because to me, that's a creative scar that I carried for many, many years of my life, where I believed that I wasn't a good writer, um, and [00:06:00] therefore maybe not even a really good communicator, which, to me, that is my why I was put on this planet in a lot of ways. I am a communicator.

I'm here to form connection. I'm here to create community. But more than anything, I know that I'm here to help other people find their voice, quote unquote. And I'm saying quote unquote, because to me, it's not about finding your voice. Finding your voice is having to go out and like actually find it somewhere.

We're looking outside of ourselves to find what to me is already there. Internally wired within who we are. It's just somewhere along the way. We either were told that we weren't doing it right, or that we couldn't show up in that way, or that we weren't allowed to be who we really wanted to be. And so, finding one's voice, in my opinion, like I said, is not a to do list that I'm going to give you here today, and that's the thing I didn't want those women walking away with either, because it's not a to do [00:07:00] list.

It's not like, here are the seven ingredients to finding your voice. That's not What it means to express yourself authentically, in my opinion. Because I actually believe what, what you're here to express, that creative expression, that authentic expression, who you actually are, the core of who you are, is already within you.

It's not something that has to be found, or it's not something you have to go out and find. It's not some strategy that You can master and then somehow you're just going to have this really powerful, amazing voice. It's to me already something that's innately within you already, that somewhere along the way you've been silenced or told that you can't be you, right?

That, that the parts of you That you want to express that the parts of you that make you who you are, are wrong. And so, for me, what it means to show up authentically in your business is really spending time unlearning [00:08:00] all of the things that you were told you weren't allowed to do or be. All of the things that you feel really truly called to, but you're like, Oh, well, I can't do that.

I feel scattered. And I say the scattered thing because As a manifesting generator, when I started to dive into human design, I started to really learn and understand a lot more about who I was, but also the conditioning that I carried. And a big part of the conditioning as, as a manifesting generator is, is that we are all over the place.

We've got all these different ideas and we move in a very non linear way, but we do that quite quickly. And we do get stuff done. I always just say, I'm like, you know, organized in sort of a non organized way, or I'm like the least consistent human, although I can show up very consistently. And so these things, this scatteredness, or this all over the place, or this what is she up to now, or [00:09:00] why can't she make up her mind, are all parts of what I thought were not right, or were not good, right?

And so it was like I had to pick one thing. I could only do the one thing. So I had to do it well, and I couldn't veer away from that. And so when I entered into the online space, a big part of that was that I had to offer this one signature offer, and I couldn't bring all of the other facets of my gifts into play.

And part of that is, is that I'm very left and right brained, right down almost 50 50, down the middle. and I had this tension within me in a lot of ways that I had to either be analytical. and very logical, and therefore couldn't be creative, right? And how do you blend the two? And so there was lots of times in my world where I'd bring offers into the world that I'd cut parts of myself off, right?

All of the multi faceted gifts that I had acquired over my [00:10:00] years of experience that I, I had to compartmentalize in a lot of ways because I didn't want to come across as scattered all over the place, someone who can't make up their mind, someone who's, you know, you know, motoring a mile a minute, right?

That was a big one for me. That was a big, big block for me in a lot of ways that I had to sort of unravel. And then I started to really kind of unpack that. Another big one was, um, feeling misunderstood. And I don't necessarily know where that came from, but again, as a manifesting generator, sometimes we can feel like we're misunderstood, that people don't really understand us.

And that might not just be a manifesting generator thing, that could just be something across the board that people feel. But I often felt like I was misunderstood. And so a big part of me, when I first entered in the online space, was overcompensating. Not only in the way that I communicated, but overcompensating in, um, you know, the delivery of my programs, let's just say, right.

So I'd overexplain. [00:11:00] I would literally pile tons and tons and tons and tons of resources into my programs because I was like, people have to understand me. And if they don't understand me, they're not going to get results and yada, yada, all the things we make up. And so, um, Why I'm sharing these tidbits with you because hopefully they spark something within you of things that you were told maybe or some belief you've been carrying for a while that, you know, isn't necessarily true and actually is part of who you are and the beauty that you bring to this space.

I'll go back to my analytical creative tension, right? Because what I've realized over the last couple of years is, is that. It's actually a really beautiful, uh, innate gift that I carry is that I have the ability to live in the creative space to follow my intuition, but also be very sort of structured and analytical, um, is that art and science when it comes to marketing, which is what [00:12:00] marketers need in a lot of ways, right, is to have that blend of Art and Science to lead with intuition and creativity, but then also be able to really understand, like, is it working?

The metrics, the analytics, the structure, the systems, the automations, and for the longest time, like I said, I felt like I was in on an internal battle. inside because I was like, I have to pick one or the other. I can't be both. And so I would either go far right and be very creative and sort of woo wee and in like very follow my intuition, very feminine with no real structure, or I'd go very analytical and very practical that then would completely strip out my creative expression and my intuition.

And so, I've spent the last couple years really blending the two and what has been reflected back to me in a lot of ways is that it's actually a really magical gift that I was compartmentalizing, diluting, not really showcasing. [00:13:00] because I didn't think that I could do both. I didn't think that I could have both.

I thought I had to choose one or the other. Um, and why I'm sharing this with you is because I think that part of finding one's voice is really going internally again and going, where am I battling? Like, where am I having an internal battle with myself and silencing myself in a lot of ways, because I think there is a right or a wrong way to do something.

Or I have to choose between one or the other, right? That I either have to be really assertive, or I have to be really laid back. You know, there's this like battle that we have internally with ourselves. Um, being too much. I was talking with a woman recently, she was like, I felt like, being too much. You know, when I was growing up, I was told I was too loud.

I was too obnoxious. I was too boisterous, right? So she's like, I basically have kind of silenced myself in that regard. The other one that I [00:14:00] often really kind of struggled with too was the fact that I am a bit long winded. And I love to go deep with people. And I really love to kind of get to the depths of things.

And what's interesting is, and I've shared this before as well, if you haven't listened to some of my previous episodes, is that when I created the quiz, I created it with the intention that I wanted it to be so high value. And I wanted to put so much of my heart and soul in there. And I wanted y'all to walk away from the quiz feeling like, wow, I feel so seen.

So understood. I feel like I've been delivered this amazing permission slip to be myself, but wowzers, there's a lot of really valuable insight. And it's not just like a one page couple paragraphs, you know, that just kind of tells me a little bit about myself. Like we went deep there, but I got feedback really early on from somebody that it was too long and that I don't have time to read all of this.

And I want to share [00:15:00] this with you because everybody is entitled, obviously, to their opinion, their perception, and all of that. And for some people, the depth of what I put out there isn't for them, and that is totally kosher. But, a big part of my own internal conditioning in a lot of ways was, that I was too long winded.

Like just get to the point, otherwise people won't understand. Get to the point or people won't pay attention. Get to the point or you won't be able to keep people wanting to listen to you. Get to the point or you'll overwhelm them, right? And these are things that, again, I think as somebody who is articulate, who can, like, who loves to communicate and really likes to connect, but also loves to tell stories and all those sorts of things.

It can be really hard sometimes when you're going to write a sales page or you're going to write an email and you're like, wow, is that too much? Or am I too much? Or am I going to overwhelm somebody? [00:16:00] And this to me is why we don't, or we struggle to find our voice in a lot of ways, because it's that internal battle.

We're trying to appeal To people outside of ourselves, or we're trying to find out how to appeal to others, and as a result, we lose the parts of who we are. And that is, to me, the lesson here of all of this. It's about really getting clear. where you have those internal battles where you're sort of silencing or diluting your voice.

And what I said at this session was, is that it's not about, like I said, going and finding your voice. It's about unlearning all of the things we've taught ourselves that we are not able to be. That the things that actually make us who we are, We're not allowed to showcase because of all of the reasons I've just sort of shared with you were either too much, too loud, [00:17:00] too bossy, too boisterous, too out there, too quirky, you know, too loud, too, um, big, too powerful, whatever it might be.

Um, those are the reasons why we dull or dilute our voice. And so what I want you to sort of walk away from this. You know, podcast episode here today is is number one is is that finding one's voice is not an outside journey. It's not something that I'm going to be able to say, follow this script or this blueprint, and then you're just going to have mastered your voice.

And one people that are selling that type of message, in my opinion, are doing you a disservice, because it's not about finding it someplace outside of you. It's about you. Looking within you and unpacking and unraveling all the parts of who you are that you have compartmentalized, cut off, made to feel wrong about yourself, whatever it might be, and start to really work with that [00:18:00] and give yourself grace to start to flex that muscle.

And that can be a long, treacherous sort of process. And I think sometimes in this world that we live in, it's like, I want the answer now, give it to me immediately, or I'm moving on, or I don't have time for it or whatever. Or, you know, we just want someone to tell us what to do. And what happens when someone is telling you what to do.

is that it's actually not, again, helping you be you. Because how do they know how you need to show up in this world? Like, I don't tell my clients how they need to show up. I'm not here to tell my clients what they need to say, when they need to say it, how they need to say it. I'm here to help them pull out of them what's already within them.

And it's interesting because I know [00:19:00] that most people that are listening to this already know what they stand for. They already know what they want to do. They already know why they do what they do. They already know why it has so much meaning for them to do the work that they're doing. And yet, when it comes time to actually putting that out there, it's that inner voice that's like, you can't say it this way.

People aren't going to understand it if you say it this way. You need to dumb it down. You need to, you know, all of the things that we're told. And again, those are inside voices for sure, but it's outside people who have told us that the way in which we're communicating, the way in which we're showing up isn't right.

And I will tell you this, This is a process. It's not something that one day you're just going to discover. And it's, it's funny because lots of times people say to me, Oh, well, you know, I want results faster. And I'm like, that's cool. That's great. You want results in your business faster, but a big part of, Attracting the right people into your world [00:20:00] and to create that magnetic attraction that where people are like, Oh my gosh, you're a breath of fresh air.

Oh my gosh, you're so grounded or you're so practical. Whatever it is that they say that has them seeing themselves in the message you're putting out there goes back to again, you and your voice and what that is. And a couple episodes ago, I said, You know, the more connected you are to your message, the more connected you'll be to your people.

And that is so true, because if you're diluting or compartmentalizing your voice, there's, it's fragmented, right? It's like, it's not quite hitting. It's like a tuning a radio, you know, it's like that there's fuzziness happening in the background because you're not quite on the station that you are meant to be on.

And the one that you're meant to be on is not the station I'm meant to be on, let's just say, right? We all have our own unique frequency. We all [00:21:00] have our own unique tone. We all have our own unique perspective. But in the same breath, we all have an aligned collective consciousness values, in my opinion, that are connected to the people that are meant to be in our world.

And that's like a whole. gibberish jargon that I just said there. But what I mean by that is, is that our people are our people for a reason. You know, when you meet someone for the first time, you're like, wow, I know why I'm meant to be sitting with you, talking to you. And this is how I felt yesterday at this event.

You know, I sat down randomly at one of the tables and when you go to these events, You don't know who you're going to get sitting with you, right? I literally sat down at this table and at one point my friend who was partly organizing this event said to me, she looked over and she was like, I see you sitting there by yourself at a table.

And that's kind of how I like meander through rooms, right? I'm like, where's the table that is empty right now at the moment? I pick the one that's usually empty and [00:22:00] then. love when people sort of join me. Um, it's something I do at events all the time. I'm definitely like 50 50 introvert extrovert. And you might be like, sure, Kathryn, you feel way more like an extrovert, but I'm, I really am not in those moments.

I really liked to kind of get intimate with people and have conversations. I'm sharing this with you because what's really beautiful about this is that the two women that sat down at the table, um, We connected, we talked, we went deep on things, and we aligned in so many ways of what it is we wanted to do, and yet we were all doing something so differently.

One was a lawyer, one was a wellness professional who has like a product based business, but also does like consultations and all of that, and then I'm, you know, marketing, conversion, copywriting, and we all very much do very different things, and yet when we talked about why we did what we did, There was a commonality.

We were able to hold conversation very easily. It was like I had known these two women for a very, very long time. [00:23:00] And one of them said, I knew I was meant to sit at this table. Like, she was like, there's no coincidences, right? We are all sort of like, walking through this world and all connected to a bigger picture and connected to a bigger, you know, something bigger than who we are in is what I'm kind of trying to say here.

And it's so true, right? When you can just connect with somebody, you can't fake that connection when you are being who you are and being truthful to who you are. And that's what I mean by tuning on the radio, right? It's like, When we're half of station off, there's a bit of fuzz, incongruency, there's, it's fractural.

And so what ends up happening is, is that we, we have misaligned people coming into our world, or we aren't, we're, our message is falling on, um, you know, into the void or silence or whatnot of the internets. It's kind of just blending in because we haven't quite tuned ourselves to our voice. And that's What I want you to walk away with [00:24:00] here today.

It's about tuning yourself to the voice that's within you already. It's about getting really clear on what that is. And for me, if I was to give you any practical tips to walk away with, I would start with values. What are the values you carry? Because these two women, like I said, we are very different in our business.

We are, we do very different things and yet we aligned on values. You know, um, the lawyer was talking about how she just wants to be able to serve and help people and help people solve some of these big problems and scary problems that often happen in life, whether that's, you know, marriage or starting a business or whatever it is.

And there, right there is heart led, right? I'm here to be of service, not I'm here to like make a bunch of money as a lawyer. The wellness professional was same sort of thing. Like she, she was like, I'm here to really help people. People and to help them with their nervous system, with nutrition, all of those sorts of things so that they can live a healthier, more vital life.

[00:25:00] And when we look at the brand messaging across the board, like I said, we're all different, but we all had very similar values. And the values is the thing that is going to help you tune. to your voice, attuned to your voice in a lot of ways, or attuned to that vibration, that frequency that you want to be on.

And so if I, if you were to walk away with anything practical, it's like get really clear on really what, what your values are and what your values aren't. So that when you go to start, putting content out there, putting your message out there, you know, okay, well, this actually goes against my values. I'm being asked to say something, do something that goes against what I stand for.

And then there's no question, like, am I doing it wrong? Do I need to do it that way to be successful? You stop questioning those sorts of things. So that's a really practical place to start as values. And then the other thing that I want is, you to consider. And this is the fun part of this, right? Values is like, okay, what are my values?

For me, [00:26:00] integrity is huge. When somebody gives me their word, I expect action to back that. And integrity for me doesn't mean that you can't change your mind. It just means that when you do change your mind, you communicate it. So integrity is huge. I really, really value people that are living their message, walking the talk, so to speak.

And I am a proponent of that. I'm living and walking my message. And that's what I'm here to share. And for me, when I started in the online space, and I've shared this story a lot, is that I was disjointed, right? I was trying to listen to what everybody else was saying is the right way to do it. And there's a reason why my attunement was off slightly because I wasn't.

Living with an integrity to myself because there was things strategies that I did not align with that I was using in my business because I thought I had to use them to be successful. So for me, integrity, there was a fractual off beat there because I just I was doing things and applying things in my business weren't [00:27:00] 100 percent in alignment with me.

And you have to give yourself grace through those moments, right? I could sit here and shame myself to no end, like, Oh my gosh, you know better, but that's not going to get me anywhere. And so there's a lot of grace that has to be given here. There's a lot of self acceptance that has to happen that as you're finding your voice, quote unquote, or as you're attuning to the frequency of your voice, it's already within you, then you.

you know, you've got, it's, it's a learning curve and it's an unlearning and there's a lot of forgiveness and all of that that comes with that. But again, back to the values, back to the fun piece of it. One of the fun things I love to do is I love to really pay attention to the quirkiness of what makes me, me in a lot of ways, right?

Things that I'm like, Oh, please, I'm going to poke my eyes out if I have to do that. And small talk in a lot of ways is that for me. And, you know, that's not to shame people that love small talk. I hate it. I don't, it's all, it's all very sort of [00:28:00] surface level to me, but I get that it's sometimes needed to sort of break the ice and that sort of thing.

I'm just someone who's like, I'm not here to small talk. And when I started, when I start to say things like that, that are very much me at the core of who I am, my people are like, Oh my God, I'm so that person. Thank you for saying that because I didn't. Want to say it or couldn't say it or didn't know how to say it.

So it's like these quirks that make us us, right? I joke a lot about not answering my door and people ring the doorbell or like hitting the ground or how my body just goes into, Oh man, like who's going door to door right now. You know? Um, when I start to share things like that, people are like, Oh my God, that's so me too.

I hate that. Or like, I never answer my phone or, you know, all these quirks that make us who we are. who we are. And you might be thinking like, well, how do I tie that back to my brand when I'm, you know, uh, energetic healer? Or how do I tie that back to my brand if I'm a wellness coach or whatever it might be?

And this is again, the deeper layer of connection that happens. This is [00:29:00] when you can sit in front of somebody or they can read your post and they're like, that is my human, you know, that is. My person that I feel like I know and I know so well. And so it's these quirks that I love to play with and I like to come up with and I like to just kind of shoot the shit about because it's those pieces that just add that deeper layer of connection because someone says, Oh, they really get me.

This person actually freaking gets me. Um, and You can have fun with that. Everybody has their own quirks, and it's not about shaming other quirks. Like, me not wanting to do small talk does not mean that because you like to do small talk, you know, you're a terrible person. It's just that I find it energetically draining, but I also am like, I don't, I, I don't necessarily love to do that, right?

When someone's like, who are you? What do you do? Tell me about yourself. I'm like, where do I even start? I think that's the piece for me. And that's again, goes back to the many gen thing is like this [00:30:00] very broad open ended question. It was interesting because I had was having a conversation with a woman recently and I asked her like, So like, what is your goal?

Like, what are you wanting to achieve? And she just kind of looked at me and I was asking this on a sales call, by the way, and she kind of just looked at me. And the minute I asked that question, I knew in my heart, I was like, she's not going to have an answer for me because she's me in a lot of ways.

Like there was so many commonalities of us personally, um, just in our story and our, again, our vision, our mission and all that sort of stuff. And that's the power of having. a really powerful voice, but a really powerful message. You attract your people literally into your world. And she kind of just looked at me.

She's like, well, I don't, I don't really know, like, I just want to follow my passion and satisfaction. And I just kind of laughed because I was like, that's so me. Like I have goals. Yes. But anytime somebody asks me for like a five year or 10 year plan or like, what do you want to achieve in the next three to six months?

I'm like, I just, I want to have fun doing what I'm doing. And I want to continue to follow the passion. [00:31:00] An inspiration and the spark. And if you ask me what, like my hard numbers are, like I wanna attract X clients into my world, or I wanna make X dollars. Like I don't have that. And yet I have a very successful business and I'm sharing again these with you because again, for the longest time.

I thought in my brain that I couldn't have a successful business if I didn't know, like, literally what, what goal I wanted to hit in three to six months. Like, I have a goal that I want to hit, like, in terms of what I want to do, but But that comes back down to feeling, in my opinion, and that's me following my satisfaction and my passion, and that is exactly what she said to me.

She was like, I just want to be passionate about what I'm doing, and if that means I have to pivot at some point, then I pivot. And I laughed again, because it's, that is the life of a Manny Jen, right? It's like, Well, when I'm ready to pivot, I want to have the permission to pivot when I feel like pivoting, because I think pivoting is a good [00:32:00] thing.

And again, if you don't resonate with that, that's totally kosher. But I'm sharing these little tidbits and stories with you because I think it's our quirks. It's how we look at things. It's what comes up to us in the moment. It's, it's just telling our truth in a lot of ways and really speaking it and not Feeling like we have to show up a certain way in order to be successful.

And as I say that, I also say that it's easier said than done sometimes. And it is a process and it isn't unlearning. And it has taken me many years, honestly, many, many years to get to this point of full confidence, full confidence. Full clarity, full, no really, um, caring anymore about what people think or being judged or any of that shit anymore, which is something I carried so heavily when I entered into the online space, was that feeling of, I can't show all of the parts of who I am, but I also can't bring all of the parts of who I am into my business [00:33:00] because it's It doesn't quite fit, right?

It doesn't quite fit into the neat, tidy business mold that I think I need to have. And I must not really have a real business if I don't have these big financial goals and these big sales targets and all the things, because All successful businesses have that. And I know my numbers, and I know what I'm doing, and I know that there is the analytical side of that, but it's like, that isn't my big goal.

You know, when I think about, um, scaling, You know, my business, I'm like, how many more people can I serve? And I don't even have a number to that. I just know I want to serve more people. I want to empower more people to attune to their voice that's already within them so that they can reach the people they're meant to reach and serve in this world.

I'm driven and motivated by impact and I'm out here doing that in the world and that I want to follow my passion and [00:34:00] satisfaction above everything else. And that if I'm not satisfied in what I'm doing, then I know I need to make a change. And that's how I really navigate, you know, that's how I navigate creating content.

That's how I navigate communicating with people. That's how I navigate recording podcasts like this. Like I literally am just following my joy in that. And I know that can feel very, like, flowy and wooey and like, there's no structure. And yet I do have a lot of structure in my business where I am tracking metrics and I, and I do know my data, but like I said, that for me is I'm following the satisfaction first, and then I'm using the data and the metrics to help continue to like ground me in what it is that I'm doing, but also help.

show me whether what I'm doing is creating the results and the income and all of that, that I need to sustain my business. And so if you walk away from anything from this [00:35:00] podcast is that if you feel like you're wobbly in your message or you're wobbly in your voice or like, it's not quite you, it hasn't quite clicked yet.

There is this like disconnect slightly or you're there's some, there's some, uh, friction or, uh, static in your radio frequency. then I want you to know that one, it's a process. It's a process of unlearning, unraveling. It's a process of putting yourself out there and flexing that muscle and creating that skill and that mastery and that knowing around what it is that you really want to say.

It's a lot of self trust, building self trust within yourself that what is coming to you is meant for you to share and to showcase. Um, and then it's also creating lots of inner safety, right? The inner safety within yourself to share and be yourself. And if you are not, struggle with that because you were told it was wrong or bad or all the things.

It's like, what can I do to create that? And that's an inner game. That's [00:36:00] not somebody outside of yourself creating that safety. That's not validation that people are liking your stuff. Okay. People are liking it. So therefore I can do more of it. Right. It's about cultivating that within yourself and not.

Relying solely on that validation to, you know, pump your tires, so to speak. Um, and then the practical elements of it is like, start with your values. Like, what do you value? Why is it that you're doing what you're doing? And what part of your story sort of fits within this? And then have fun with it. You know, what are the quirks that make you, you?

What are the, We, the things that are weird about you, and not even weird, I, I say weird in a good way, right? Is like, what are your quirks? What makes you you? And if you don't know, I mean, there are tools out there that help you understand yourself better, right? Like the human design or Jean Keys or Myers Briggs or the Enneagram.

Or, um, you know, there's so many out there that you can use to help you, like astrology, you know, your, your sign, like as a Libra, I've been reading more and more about Libras and I [00:37:00] was like, Oh my gosh, this is so me. And these are things that are so innate to me, but I didn't know that they're the things that set me apart, you know, and set me apart from the other signs, so to speak, right?

Like that Libra has its own unique, you know, way of being in this world compared to an Aries or whatever. And it's like when we can really start to, again, tap into some of that. Again, it's not about attracting just Libras into my world, but it's like, you know, being able to bring the quirks and all of who we are into our message.

And that takes time, takes a process, takes on learning. And it's how deep you want to go with that and how connected you are to wanting to do that. Again, it can take years. And I don't say that lightly. I mean, it really can. And there's, and we're always evolving in the same breath. So like the more we sort of dig and get down deep into that, the more we evolve and grow and the more that message can change.

And that's something that, you know, I invite you to be open to is that the message can change and it's [00:38:00] okay that maybe four years ago you said one thing and now, now you've evolved in it and you're saying something different. And so with that, I hope this episode has been helpful to. really give you the permission, again, to sink deeper into who you are and what your message is here to do and how you want to share it.

You know, is that verbally? Is that speaking? Is that writing? Again, the sky's the limit. You can do whatever you want to do. Um, there's so many different ways to be successful in business. And to me, you Success at the end of the day is coming back to that authenticity and truth and that it, it honestly isn't sustainable if we aren't living that truth or, or, or sharing that authentic message because we get, we'll get restless with it, right?

Or it won't quite feel right. And so over time, when we're not, again, just showing up and speaking our truth and living that authentic expression, we won't be satisfied. [00:39:00] And there will be this discomfort that happens as a result of that. And so to me, true freedom in a lot of ways is us being able to be authentic and show up and be the authentic expression of who we are.

And that to me is true freedom. And if you got into business to have freedom, if freedom is a big part of why you're doing this work, then you to me, this is a really beautiful place to start. So with that, I'm going to leave you and I hope you've enjoyed this episode. Cheers. Thanks for listening. We'll see you right back here next time.

You can also find us on social media at creativelyowned and online at creativelyowned. com. Until next time, keep showing up as your authentic [00:40:00] self.