July 11, 2023

What Threads is Showing Us About How Digital Marketing is Shifting

What Threads is Showing Us About How Digital Marketing is Shifting

Digital marketing and sales are shifting big time. And what used to work is no longer working.

If you want to hear what Threads is showing us about how digital marketing is shifting, tune into this episode.


  • What the adoption of Threads is showing us about how digital marketing is shifting and what is no longer working.
  • Why I joined Threads within the first 24 hours of its launching when I typically resist joining a ‘new’ social media app.
  • The big thing I’ve learned and still learning as a personal brand.

If this episode inspires you somehow, leave us a review on Apple Podcasts and let us know your biggest takeaway– whether it’s created those aha moments or given you food for thought on achieving greater success.

And while you’re here, follow us on Instagram @creativelyowned for more daily inspiration on how to effortlessly attract the most aligned clients without spending hours marketing your business or chasing clients. Also, make sure to tag me in your stories @creativelyowned.

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INTRO: [00:00:00] After generating over a million dollars in sales and selling one of her businesses with a single email, your host Katherine Thompson, takes an unconventional approach to marketing and sales. So if you are ready to tap into a more powerful way to be seen, heard, and a sought after entrepreneur in your industry without having to spend endless hours marketing your business and chasing clients, you are in the right place.

Be The Sought After Entrepreneur podcast is here to help you ditch the cookie cutter one size fits all approach to marketing, and use your unique energy to effortlessly attract the most aligned clients. When you do this, you can spend less time marketing your business and more time doing your soul work and enjoying the richness of your life.

Welcome to Be the Sought After Entrepreneur podcast, and here's your host, Katherine Thompson. 

Kathryn Thompson: Hey. Hey, super stoked that you're tuning into this week's episode, and I cannot wait to dive in today's [00:01:00] topic because it's completely spontaneous and unplanned. I think on last week's episode, I shared that I was gonna share on this week's episode how to build the structure in your business or how to know.

Where to focus on what structure to build first, to really get the machine going in your business so that you can ebb and flow, but also so that you can be consistent when you don't necessarily feel consistent. But I'm kiboshing that this week because as I mentioned, I've got something. More spontaneous and unplanned that I wanna share with you.

And it is given the things that have been happening in the social media world this past week. And that is the launching of Threads, which is Instagram's new app. Now, this episode is not me telling you how to use it. To strategize in your business. This is not me giving you tips and tricks and hacks on the best ways to use it.

I have no idea. I just started using it. I kind of gone down the rabbit hole. I have no clue what I'm doing over there, so I'm not gonna come on here a week after the [00:02:00] app is launched and pretend to be an expert of any sort when it comes to threads. So, This is not what this episode's about. This episode is about where I see marketing going, but where I've seen it going for a very long time, um, and why I started this podcast in the first place, right?

The shift that I saw coming and the shift that I saw, the people in the world, humans who we're being marketed to all the time, what we're craving more than anything, and. Being on threads and kind of going down that rabbit hole has shown me how much people are craving what I'm about to share with you.

Um, so stay tuned. But I do wanna mention that I'm so honored and so grateful for each and every one of you who tunes in weekly and listens to this show, and who comes over to my Instagram and comments and shares their insights from the podcast or shoots me an email or drops me a dm. I absolutely love it.

Please keep doing it. Please keep showing me that what I'm [00:03:00] putting out there is in resonance with you and that you're learning from it and you're finding value from it, or maybe you're having a massive insight from it. I love hearing from you. I love connecting with you, and I love chatting with. Each and every one of you that drops into my dms, comments, emails, you name it.

So I appreciate you, I honor you, and I'm just really grateful that you're here. The other thing that I wanted to mention, which is something that I keep forgetting every single year, this is our two-year anniversary, and I forget every year. I think last year I was like, It's our one year. Oh my gosh, this is amazing.

This podcast has been in existence for two years and year after year, month after month, we continually grow. And I'm again, equally grateful to you and everybody that's listening because I wouldn't be able to do this with without you. And this has been such a beautiful outlet for me that is different than Instagram or sending emails.

It's an opportunity for me to grab my mic or interview a guest. And really, uh, connect with [00:04:00] my listeners, with my guests, and to really share valuable insight information for you. And I've had the opportunity of connecting with some amazing guests this year that I will highlight over the next. Couple weeks here, uh, as I get my act in order.

Uh, but I just wanted to mention that it is our two year anniversary, so I am totally celebrating that with you, uh, today on this episode. So why am I gonna be talking about threads on this podcast? And I'm not sure strategy, tips, tricks, hacks, or anything because I am somebody who resists new social media apps.

I am somebody who literally is like, I'm not doing it. TikTok, I was like not doing it. Um, club host, I didn't even get on club host cuz I'm an Android user and they locked Android users out for a long time. And then finally when they opened it to Android users, I was like, meh, I ain't doing it. Um, I think I started an account and I went in there, but it wasn't [00:05:00] something that came naturally to me.

Or was this natural draw or pull. TikTok was the same. I started an account, I started putting videos out there, but there was a lot of resistance to it, and I think I was doing it well. I don't think I know I was doing it because I felt this fomo, right? I felt this fear of missing out and I was totally reacting.

Um, and I think as business owners and humans in general, we can. All resonate with that to some degree that we make decisions sometimes in our life or in our business, in our relationships that are out of reaction where we're doing it because we're, we have the fear of missing out. We have the fear of losing something.

We have the fear that if we don't do this now, our luck's gonna run out. Um, lots of scarcity there. And so I think I jumped on TikTok at a time where I was like, Oh man, you know, is this, is this the opportunity to really scale and grow and with threads? I honestly didn't even [00:06:00] think twice or even blink about what I was doing.

I saw somebody's story on Instagram that talked about threads. I clicked on a link before you knew it. I was signed up. There has been no resistance since. There's no resistance of being on another app. And I think the reason for me is, is because, one, I really have no strategy over there. Like I'm not thinking about it as how can I capitalize on this new app to grow my business?

So there's no pressure, there's no, you know, Need to like strategize and have this like analytical thinking about what I need to say and how I need to say it to attract people into my world. Like there's none of that. I think I just got on there and started to like, just share funny shit, really other people's funny shit.

Um, I started commenting on a bunch of people's one-liners and witty banter and all of that, and there's just a lot of like fun energy over there. [00:07:00] And so there's no, there was no, um, means to an end I guess when I clicked on the link and went down the rabbit hole. And if you know anything about human design, You know that generator, sacral generator types.

I'm a Manny Gen sacral that we're here to respond to things and when we respond out of our sacral being, heck yes, do it. And that's what I feel like happened with threads. It was just like a click the link. Joined without even like no resistance. It was this like natural draw to it. Whereas with all of the other apps, again, I felt so much resistance to it for whatever reason.

So I never ended up really putting my all into it. And not saying that I'm gonna put my all into threads, but I absolutely love the witty banter of the one-liner is how fun it is. And the reason why I'm sharing this is because twofold. I think a lot of times as business owners we're like, oh man, I don't, it's just one more thing for me to manage.

It's one more thing for me to like, you know, have to do. [00:08:00] And I think that's where, for me, with Reds, there's none of that energy, which is also really interesting cuz I think that's what, you know, brought up a lot of resistance with the other apps, was like, I have to create more reels and videos and spend more time.

Doing that with threads is like, there's no attachment to any type of outcome. Like I have no outcome in mind of what's possible over there. I just love, like I said, the witty, humorous, fun. Let's not take this so seriously, energy over there. Let's just communicate and share and be weird and awkward and funny and all of that.

I think that is what is really intriguing to me. I didn't know that obviously before I signed up. Right. But again, As a human walking around this planet, we're pulled in lots of different directions, and the ones that we're pulled in that feel natural and easy and just like the next best step for whatever reason, [00:09:00] are the ones that we wanna trust.

Which is why I wanna record this podcast and share this all with you. And yet so much of what we do in business and in marketing and sales specifically, is going against what maybe we trust is doing things in our business because somebody else. Told us that's the way to do it, or we see other people succeeding and so we wanna succeed.

And so we adopt exactly what they're doing. Even if we have the resistance, it doesn't feel like the next best step. And the reason I'm sharing this is because when I joined TikTok, I was so resistant. When I finally got into Clubhouse, I was like, is this what I really wanna be doing? And with threads, it was like, I blinked and all of a sudden I'm on the app and I'm threading, and it was like, there's been no resistance.

It was just this like step forward to do it. And I, and I've literally resisted every other social media app, any new apps that have dropped. I'm like, I just don't need [00:10:00] another thing. But I think what's really cool about threads is is how funny and raw and real, and the word unhinged keeps flying around.

Which is so interesting because it's like if you're this real, authentic, raw, funny, witty, human, awkward, weird, whatever it is, we're like classifying it as like unhinged. There's like no method to anybody's madness. It's just like, Pure banter that's going on over there, which is actually kind of really cool because I feel like that's how a lot of us live our lives outside of business, right?

Which is something that's being really reflected to me over the years in corporate, but also from my transition from corporate to business entrepreneurship. Um, and then as I've, you know, spent seven years in entrepreneurship now, All of the things that I'm trying to bring forward in my business that I've maybe hi away or naturally didn't [00:11:00] come out at first because I needed to sort of like learn and realize, you know, where there is a difference or a split, so to speak.

And what I mean by that is, is that for many years in corporate, probably all my corporate career and the first early days in entrepreneurship, I took things so seriously. So, You know, I had to be perfect and polished and poised, and I, we had to show up in the right way, and we had to do it this way in order to be successful.

And there was just so much seriousness, so much gripping, so much control. That it was like an alter ego had taken over in a lot of ways, and it wasn't because I was doing it out of integrity, it was obviously something within me and something that I needed to, you know, heal or transition through. Because in the outer world with friends and family, It was like I was a different person.

A lot of my friends would probably tell you that I'm like, funny, quirky, awkward, could be the life of the party [00:12:00] sometimes. And what's really cool is, is that, you know, I've now married that and continue to marry that in business. I. What I'm seeing with threads and why I'm loving it and so hooked on it is because I feel like it's the thing that I've been craving more and more in business, not just in my business, but to see in other people's businesses, which is that weird, quirky, raw, authentic self come through.

Unfiltered, unhinged, whatever you wanna call it. Like that's what I'm craving, and I think that's why Threads is like, Kind of taken off here. I mean, it's only been a week, but is taken off because it's allowing people that expression, which is everything that I coach my clients on, right? Everything I coach my clients on when it comes to self-expression, creative self-expression, and that being.

The thing that's really gonna help you attract the right people into your world, um, but also be really widely successful when you can honor that, lean [00:13:00] into that and own that. And it's something, like I said, that I've really needed to work through because in the early days, I was just showing up so serious in business, and I've shared this on other podcasts, but my husband would often say to me, oh, that must be your business voice because you sound so serious.

And I wanna tie this back into like my, the life outside of business that, you know, I was this like fun, quirky life of the party person and we were just in Banff. This past weekend ban of Canada, Rocky Mountains, and I was there with a longtime friend. I've known her since grade three. She's married now, has two beautiful children, and her daughter is a totally an old soul.

And there are times I'm talking to her, like I'm talking to a 20 year old or a 25 year old. And I've done this with her since she was a baby, basically, since she could talk, you know, I remember standing in my kitchen at the fridge and I was talking to her. She would've been 10 or 15 at the time, [00:14:00] and I think she was three.

And my friend will always remind me, she'll say, you do know that she's three, right? Or you do know that she's only nine? Cause she's nine now. And I'm like, oh, right. I'm talking to you like you're my friend in a lot of ways. And it was so interesting because we were sitting there watching a movie in our condo and it was, I can't remember the movie.

I'm terrible with movies. I'm terrible with names of people in movies. Don't ever quote me on that. I would. Completely fail in trivia, movie trivia. But we were watching this movie and there was somebody from S N L, uh, Saturday Night Live on this movie. In this movie. And she's like, auntie, that's you. And I'm like, what?

And this person is like, quirky, funny, weird, makes weird facial expressions, kind of the life of the party. Um, Unhinged, maybe if you wanna say like just unfiltered and just sort of like would say what she wanted to say kind of thing. And I said, well, is that your mom then? Which is her? Was her friend in the movie?

And she's like, no, that's not my mom. But that is, so you, and [00:15:00] as the movie went on, she kept saying, you know, auntie, that's totally you. And what's really cool about being around kids is that they reflect back to you. In the most real way, right? Like what they see, it's like so pure in what they're seeing and what they're sharing with you.

And I was just like, I looked at that and took that as like a total sign of like, okay, she's seeing me in that personality, which is so totally cool. And then we were walking into a store in Beff and there was a wall of squishy mellows. I don't know if you know squishy mellows, but they're like these stuffies, popular stuffies for kids.

And she pointed to Juan on the wall and she's like, auntie, if you were a squishy mellow, that would be you. And it was this like bright colored confetti, squishy, mellow. And I was like, okay, this is so cool, because again, she's, she's reflecting back to me. My personality and who I am, let's say, outside of business.

And I don't wanna say that because I think I've brought a lot of that [00:16:00] personality into my business. People that work with me closely. My clients see the weirdness, the quirkiness, the off the cuff ness. I do a lot of off the cuff ness on this podcast. I sort of just riff and sometimes maybe ramble. Um, but I'm unfiltered here.

I'm not really like, there's no script. I don't have a script in front of me that I'm following. I'm just totally riffing. Um, and which makes this. Great because it's unfiltered, but it's taken me a while to get here. Right? In that first business, like I said, I was so controlling and trying to grip the outcome and grip how everything was, and, uh, try to make things perfect and showcase ourselves in a perfect, polished way.

And, Now I've done a lot of like work around unraveling that and bringing more of who I am into business. And I'm sharing this very transparently with you because I think sometimes when we look at people, you know, that have a podcast or recording a podcast, or we look at somebody who we deem successful, we think they have it [00:17:00] all figured out and they've got all of the answers.

And in reality, I juggle a lot of the mindset stuff that y'all probably juggle as well. You know, I recently had a client approach me with, you know, some frustration and, and then apologize for being frustrated. And I was like, you know, it's so okay. Like, it's so okay that you're frustrated, so okay that you're feeling these, because I feel them too sometimes, you know, I equally get frustrated in business sometimes I equally worry about business sometimes, like I.

We're not because we're, you know, maybe somebody you look up to or look to for answers or solutions, doesn't mean we have it all figured out. So, tying it all back into threads, no pun intended, is that what I'm seeing over there is this opportunity for people to be full, more fully expressed than maybe they've been on, uh, Instagram or Facebook or TikTok.

I mean, TikTok started to be, you know, an app where a lot of. Awkwardness and [00:18:00] realness started to come out. But again, I think that you're seeing that happen on threads and, and the fun and the real, the rawness, and why I am sharing all of this with you and my story with you is because this is where I honestly see marketing going.

More and more and more, and I know the mission that I'm on is to bring the heart back into marketing. It's been something that I've been on that mission for two and a half years now. For sure. I've probably been on it longer, but I sort of claimed it two and a half years ago when I started this podcast two years ago.

This was the essence of why I wanted to start it. This is the essence of why I wanted to do what I was doing. I wanted to help people. Be who they were in their business like legitimately, and get paid for it, right? You can show up in your weirdness and your awkwardness. There is no perfection, and being polished and poised and perfect is an [00:19:00] illusion and it's not real.

And. Again, we do it because we're trying to protect ourselves, right? So when I was doing it in corporate and doing it in the early days of my business, I wasn't doing it cause I was a fake person. I mean, I'm the polar opposite of being a fake person. I. Integrity is so big for me, but that doesn't mean that I can, I am not gonna cut myself off in some way, shape, or form out of protection.

We all do it. We all do it right, and we can sit and judge everybody around us if we want to, but that's not gonna get us anywhere because at the end of the day, we all do it right? There are parts of who we are that we hide away that we don't wanna show the world that we don't wanna share. And it doesn't mean that you have to share.

Everything with everybody. There is a sacredness of keeping some things private and whatnot, but I am from, from my perspective, I am this sort of like bubbly, big personality, quirky, weird. Awkward human that likes [00:20:00] to take the piss outta things, likes to joke about life. Doesn't take things so seriously, goes with the flow.

I'm the person that will plan a trip but not plan accommodation until like a day before we're leaving, or even less. When we went to Thailand with these friends I was talking about, we were in banquet. Um, we went to Thailand in 2012 and it was my job to plan the accommodation, and I did not book our hostel until 10 o'clock the night before we left, and we were leaving at 8:00 AM the next day.

To fly overseas and I finally planned the hostel, the, for the o the first night, not for the whole trip, but the first night, just so we had somewhere to stay. When I went to the Philippines for three months, I packed. I was finished packing at 11 at night. Um, To go to the Philippines and again, I left I think at eight, in eight in the morning.

And it's not that I am, you know, flying by the scene of my pants, so to speak, and like stressed about it. I just, like I said, I just fully [00:21:00] trust that things will work out and have always sort of done that in my personal life. But in business, like I said, I was trying to control the outcome. I was trying to control how things would work.

I was trying to control. What people would perceive about me and the business and the product at the time. Right. And it was almost like that alter ego and now I sort of mesh the two and merged like your, you know, that big bubbly personalities like has come out. And I'm sure there's more that I can show and share for sure.

Like I said, we're all a work in progress. I'm not perfect here, but. That is the reason why I'm loving threads and also why I think there's so much we can garner from it, whether it's something you wanna be on and spend any time on, or we just want to take a look at what's happening and how people are adopting the app and taking some lessons from that adoption because that shows really [00:22:00] truly what people are craving.

And I think more than anything, people are craving this realness, this rawness. This authenticity not being, not having high pressure sales, not having like cold pitches. I mean, cold pitches were something I think people were annoyed with years ago, but I'm talking high pressured sales where you're being pressured to buy something or made to feel like, you know, if you don't buy the thing you suck or that you need to work through every.

Limiting belief on a sales call to get somebody to buy. I just had a sales call with a woman and I could tell that she was like on the fence, but was like, you know, I don't really know yet if this is the direction I want to go. And she was a sacral generator type and I could see that, right? I was like, it's not a heck yes for her for whatever reason, and I'm gonna honor that.

And I just said, well, like I don't think you should push through it. Like if it's not a heck yes, like go away and think about it. It's totally cool. And she literally looked at me on the call and was like, thank you so much for [00:23:00] not pressuring me to buy on the call. And I was like, well, why would I there?

There's nothing good that comes from that, but people that have been trained in sales calls for years and up until this point and are probably still doing it, use sales calls to really put the pressure on people to invest. So things like high pressure, things like, you know, false urgency, urgency, culture.

I did a podcast episode last week on that, right? It's like the urgency that you expect somebody to buy on your timeframe or respond to you by a certain timeframe, or have to be hyper productive in order to be successful. You know, things like full scarcity, right? That the, that it's gonna run out, which is, Why, you know, some of the messages I saw on threads was, you know, capitalize on this opportunity.

There's no algorithm, which is like, it just heightens people's stress. And I have, I'm not here for it. Right. I'm not here for the fact that like our luck is gonna run out or the opportunity is gonna [00:24:00] disappear because that to me is scarcity. There's a limit there that we're putting on ourselves that if we don't capitalize on threads or TikTok or Instagram in a certain time period, that we're not gonna be successful.

And I think maybe that's why I don't feel the pressure, because I. I've built this beautiful, successful business, and I also know I could go build multiple more businesses if I wanted to. I just trust that within me, I've, I built a wine business. I sold a wine business. I have an online business now. I've, I've done things and I'm, I'm successful at them.

And so I just trust that that's gonna continue to happen. And I don't put the pressure on myself to, like, now I've gotta show up with some type of strategy on this new app, because if I don't that I'm, you know, gonna miss. Out on potential clients. That feeling of missing out is all based in fear, right?

It's all based in fear. FOMO is based in fear, and if you're using fomo, false scarcity, false urgency, if you're [00:25:00] using things like. High pressure sales to get people to buy. Um, you're gonna start to see a massive decline probably in sales. That's just my thinking around it, my belief around it and where I see things going because people are starting to become a lot more sophisticated with marketing and sales tactics, and they're waking up to.

That. The other thing that I, I am such a proponent of and a promoter of, and if you've watched my masterclass selling The Invisible, I talk a lot about this in there. If you haven't watched the masterclass, I highly suggest that you do. The link is around the show notes somewhere here, or the link in my bio on Instagram.

But I talk about the frequency in which we're communicating and the language that we use. I've also recorded other podcasts on this, but if you're communicating at a frequency that is like, Fear-based pain, agitation, you're gonna attract a lot of people in that state of fight or flight, freeze or fawn.

And what's gonna happen is they're gonna come into your experiences, your programs, they're gonna buy from you, from that [00:26:00] perspective and from that energy. And what ends up happening is, is that you're gonna have to deal with that fear and that anxiety and that. Uh, desperation within your programs, right?

And if that's something that you're really good at and you wanna deal with and you wanna work through with people through your containers, great. But that's not where I live in my zone of genius I live with. Big growth mindset possibilities and helping support people through that. I'm not saying that people won't hit mindset blocks.

We all do, but it's just a different energy, right? And so I don't want to use high pressured sales, urgency, scarcity, fomo, because I don't want people coming in. In this agitated state when they're working with me, this desperation, this, I have to make a change like yesterday, right? I'm in the lo. I'm here for the long game.

I'm here to build foundations for businesses that are sustainable. And I'm not here for overnight success. I'm not even here for a massive quantum leaps in two months. [00:27:00] Like, sure. If you wanna create massive quantum leaps in two months, great. That's awesome. I'm not saying it's not possible, but I'm here for like, can you create sustainable growth in your business month over month, year over year.

Right. Not this like big cash month in April, and then nothing until September. That's not what I'm here for. And so I don't communicate using fomo or urgency or high pressured sales tactics or really any manipulative, persuasive tactics. I don't use any of that because I don't want that energy to come into my orbit or my ether or my containers or my client relations.

I end up having to spend a lot more time with clients who are in that fear state. If I was using that language, and I used to use that type of language because that's what I was trained to do and why, again, I started the podcast, why I've shifted everything that I do, because I [00:28:00] saw the impact that it had and I kept questioning, why am I attracting clients that are in this like hyper fear state?

Oh, it's because I'm putting that out into the world, not because I was like that in my business, per se. But because I was using language that was attracting those people in, again, the frequency of the language that you use, the words that you use carry great implication, right? If you're, if you're using that agitated pain, That fear, that fomo, it'll all impact the type of people you attract.

And again, I talk a lot about this in the masterclass. You can absolutely watch that. It's free. I, I have a bunch of podcast episodes where I touch on this topic as well. Um, and then obviously this is exactly what I help people through in spellbound, um, and help really align their marketing and sales strategies and the language that they use with the type of clients they wanna attract.

So, Back to threads, back to authenticity, back to realness, back [00:29:00] to rawness. Um, my homework for you after listening to this podcast is really some introspection and self-reflection of like, where can I show more of who I am? Where maybe am I cutting myself off or hiding parts of who I am out of fear of judgment or rejection?

Where am I. You know, where can I marry the two business person and human outside of the business? Whether you're a parent, a mom, a father, you know, where can I marry that more to show more of who I am and what do I really wanna express? What are the things that I'm really craving to express? Like how would I talk to, you know, my friends and my family and my husband and is how I talk in business?

Sound. Different than how I talk to friends and family. Not saying that, you know, th they're gonna be identical, right? Because I mean, if you're, um, a lawyer, let's just [00:30:00] say, or you are a lawyer who helps people with, um, corporate law, let's just say, or setting up trademarks, you know, maybe you're not swearing off the cuff like a sailor.

But maybe you do with your friends and family. And so again, having that distinction of like, well, how much do I merge? How much do I blend? And again, it's not from a place of fakeness like, oh, that person's being fake because they're not showing all parts of who they are. I think there are parts that we can bring into our business that allow for more fun play, uh, realness.

Transparency rawness, right? I think we can, we can all do that a little bit better and a little bit more, um, but we've gotta find our way with it and what feels natural. And one of the things that I really learned as I was making this transition, that it took time for me to like flex that muscle. That I wasn't just showing up being, you know, one-liner, witty banter.

Sarcastic, whatever it might be, dry [00:31:00] humor. Like I wasn't just like rolling that out on day one when I was like, okay, let, how can we bring more of who I am and more of this big, bubbly personality out? Um, it wasn't like an overnight thing that just happened. It was like, over time I've started to flex the muscle.

Um, and it's interesting. I just will, I will make this comment because I think it's, it's really useful if you go back to listen to the very first episode and maybe even the first three. I can almost guarantee you that you're gonna, you're gonna hear a difference in my tone, which is something really, really powerful to pay attention to because, When I first launched this, I had scripts.

I was following these scripts and reading from these scripts because I was like, this has to sound good. I want people to have a good user experience, yada, yada, yada. And then as I. Progressed through the podcast and got more comfortable with it. I ditched the scripts altogether, and now I just totally riff, which I am doing [00:32:00] now, and so you can even compare the tone again.

It doesn't make me fake or not real or anything like that. The scripts that I was following are still my own, still my own thoughts, still my own thinking, still my own beliefs. In a lot of ways. My beliefs might shift slightly as I grow and evolve, but the way in which I'm expressing myself. Tone wise sounds likely different.

And again, I talk a lot about the nonverbal. I talk a lot about body language, eye contact, tone of voice, right? Being a big sign of. Whether or not we resonate with somebody, or we might feel like I don't quite resonate with what they're saying, or I resonate with the words, but I'm not really resonating with the energy.

Like over 90% is non-verbal communication. Our non-verbal communication speaks louder than anything else. And so it's interesting as we grow and evolve. You know how more of who we are and the more, the more of [00:33:00] our realness and whatnot comes through, and the more we flex that muscle. I'm not sharing this to be like I.

Just to put fear on you of like, oh God, now I need to like figure out, do I sound real? You know what I mean? It's like, again, it's, it's, it's a totally muscle flexing. It's a transition that happens and it'll happen naturally. You don't need to put your, the pressure on it to be like, do I sound like who I really am?

It's just the more. You come into who you are and the more comfortable and confident you feel with that, the more you're able to to show up in that capacity. So I would love for you to go back and listen to that first episode or two episodes, or three episodes now that we're on year two, celebrating year two.

There's been a lot of growth over the two years of this podcast. There's been a lot of growth for me. There's been a lot of growth in the way in I interview and the, and the guests that I have on. I have so many other amazing guests lined up that I'm really excited to have on the show. So with that, I [00:34:00] just want to invite you to contemplate self-reflect.

Ask yourself, where can I show up more of myself? How can I express myself more authentically and in my business, in my life? And what is the thing that's on my heart the most that I want to express, but that I might be holding back or hiding? Outta fear of rejection. Fear of judgment. What will my family think, what my friends think, what will my community think?

You know, a big one I often hear is as I'm transitioning, as I'm evolving and growing, and my message is like, how do I make that transition? Do I delete everything that I wrote because I'm now kind of contradicting myself and. I am of the mind of like, no, because that just demonstrates growth, but cancel culture's a real thing.

And people will come out sometimes and say, well, you said two years ago this, and now you're saying this. And the beautiful thing about conscious communication. And standing in that [00:35:00] is standing in that knowing that you're allowed to evolve, you're allowed to shift, you're allowed to change your beliefs as you grow and you learn.

And that, yes, there might be people that wanna cancel you because you said something two years ago, but that is that control, right? That is that, uh, cancel is all about control. It's all about you're not showing up the way that I want you to show up, therefore, I'm gonna cancel you. So, We don't need to fear that.

I get that. It can be a real fear, but the more self-expressed, the more real, the more raw that you can be in your marketing, the more real conversations that you can have, the more connection and trust you're gonna build so that you can build a beautiful brand. Whether people buy from you or not, you're building a beautiful community and you're standing in that embodied truth, as I call it.

You're standing in that and you're reflecting that out and nothing. All good comes from that. And the more I shifted in that in my business, I recorded a podcast, I think right after I did the masterclass, sharing a lot [00:36:00] about this in some capacity, is that the more I just started to do what the hell I wanted to do and stopped letting the brain dictate and run the show, the more successful I've been in business.

So I just wanna leave you with that nugget. And with that, I am going to leave you. But I really hope that you tune in to next week's show. Be sure to subscribe to the show so that you don't miss when the episode drops. Cheers. 

OUTRO: Thanks for listening. We'll see you right back here next time. You can also find us on social media at creatively owned and online@creativelyowned.com.

Until next time, keep showing up as your authentic self.